Jim Roberts, “Contemporary Omen”, 2018, mixed media, 5in x 5in x 2in. Theme: Contemporary Omen, Challenge: Wire Mary Beth Francis, “The 8th Deadly Sin-Disregard”, 2018, acrylic on panel, 5in x 7in. Theme: The 8th Deadly Sin, Challenge: Green Lauren Latané-Valis, “Reverie”, 2018, cloth, 6in x 4in (each). Theme: Dream/Nightmare, Challenge: Cloth …
Month: September 2018
The eighth tabletop happening of 5×7 UNDERGROUND occurred on Friday, August 31st, 2018 from 5-7 p.m. This time, artwork themes were different for each member. Jim Roberts wrote a series of possible themes and challenges onto strips of paper. Themes and challenges were then randomly chosen by members at the prior meet up in June. …