The twenty-fourth tabletop happening of 5×7 UNDERGROUND occurred on Friday, April 9th, 2021 from 4-8 p.m. “Eutierria” was the theme and chosen by member, Thomas Sterner. Thomas selected this theme because, “Recent themes, ‘Divide’ and ‘Unity’ like many of our 5×7 themes are current and pertinent to our times. More and more people are feeling a new or renewed connection to nature as we are forced to socially distance and do more things outside. My work often is about nature. But Eutierria is deep connection to nature, of being one with it, on a spiritual level. I think it’s a good exercise for anyone to try to feel that peace and relationship to nature. And perhaps our artwork will encourage people to think on it.“
Though damp, chilly and somewhat dreary, the twenty-fourth 57 Underground met outside at Sterner Art Factory in Silver Run. Spirits ran high and nobody complained about the weather because the pizza oven was fired up and Thomas graciously cranked out a number of oven-fired pizzas to feed this hungry lot of artists. Who knew asparagus would be so good on pizza?
Artists in attendance included: Jeff Sharp, Mary Beth Francis, Jim Roberts, Lauren Latané-Valis and Thomas Sterner.
Each artist presented their interpretation of Eutierria beginning with Thomas Sterner whose piece is actually a somewhat permanent part of Sterner Art Factory. After each 5×7 UNDERGROUND artist presented their work in rotation, the work was displayed for a gallery photograph.
Members also discussed the Hey Westminster Let’s Be Awesome! the group was awarded a few days earlier and plans were made to put the #drawwestminster5x7 initiative in action which includes a booth at the 2021 CCAC Art in the Park.
On hand was also the new Art Gallery for Everyone #1 prototype which will be installed at a trail-side location in the very near future.

We hope you enjoy the art and will visit us again!
The image below depicts 5×7 UNDERGROUND interpretations of the theme, “Eutierria” as displayed at Sterner Art Factory, Silver Run, MD.

Trees have the ability to heal their wounds. This self portrait, carved into the sap wood of a 25 year old tree will eventually be covered by new bark and completely heal, consuming the face inside the tree deeper and deeper as its circumference grows. In so doing, I truly become one with the tree.

A Eutierria Starter Kit comes complete with wood soil and stone; everything one needs to “evaporate the boundaries between yourself and all else”. Or is it? Not available on Amazon or at a Walmart near you.

Eutierria is “a positive feeling of oneness with the earth and its life forces where the boundaries between self and the rest of nature are obliterated and a deep sense of peace and connectedness pervades consciousness.” In this self-portrait, I use materials derived from the Earth to portray a connected return to the Earth.