The twenty-seventh tabletop happening of 5×7 UNDERGROUND occurred on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021 from 4-7 p.m. “Passage” was the theme and chosen by member, Jim Roberts.

The twenty-seventh 5×7 Underground met at American Ice Co. Cafe in Westminster, MD. Great vibes at American Ice once again…

Artists in attendance included: Jeff Sharp, Mary Beth Francis, Jim Roberts, Lauren Latané-Valis and Thomas Sterner.

Each artist presented their interpretation of Passage beginning with Jim Roberts. After each 5×7 UNDERGROUND artist presented their work in rotation, the work was displayed for a gallery photograph.

Art from 5×7 UNDERGROUND 27th tabletop happening.
Jim Roberts, “unwilling to meet in the middle, 2021, mixed: metal type, acrylic on wood, 1st panel: 5in x 7in x 3.5in ; 2nd panel: 5in x 5in x 3.5in

In this divided political environment, little is accomplished because of an unwillingness to compromise.

Lauren Latané-Valis, “Passage”, 2021, mixed media, 7in x 5in.

Visualization of musical passage

Thomas Sterner, “Sit and Watch the Fire”, 2021, photograph on cotton paper, flame patina wood, 7in x 7in x 8in.

Her soul mingled with the smoke,
she thought,
as she looked down at herself
sitting in the chair,
looking up at the embers
as they played with the stars,
weightless and traveling
in this passage to another place.

Jeff Sharp, “Into the Great Abyss”, 2021, digital photographic print on painted laser cut wood, 5in x 5in x 1.5in.

When we are born, we emerge from darkness into the light as the word slowly becomes in greater focus, it is my belief that the passage from life into death is reversed, gradually loosing focus into the darkness that is the great abyss.

Mary Beth Francis, “Seasons”, 2021, acrylic painting, 7in x 5in.
Lauren Latané-Valis, “Rising”, 2021, acrylic, 7in x 5in.

Reflection on original music